Anime is actually the best thing that god did for this world because, anime is what is keeping society togather and it's whats keeping me from losing my sainity. I love anime so much because there's so much options like my favorite anime tokyo ghoul. Tokyo ghoul is a dark violent edgy anime and thats what I like about it, all of the characters are very likable. My favorite character in the anime is Ken Kaneki specifically the black reaper version. I like him because, he's the most edgy character out of everyone, besides Noro. |
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Another good anime is Dragonballz, Dragonball Super, or Dragonball gt. These are all action animes and they are one of the most popular anime's in the world and there are to many episodes to count so it'll take a while before you can finish all of the seasons. The reason why it's so popular is unkown but I think it's because of the story and the plot. my favorite character in the anime is Hit. I also like him because, he's edgy as heck. |